KNOTEN, Installation, 20. 4. – 5.6. @Kulturdrogerie, Gentzgasse 86 – 88, 1180 Vienna


Installation, 2023
Dots, Dots, Dots

@Kulturdrogerie, Vienna

The Aumannplatz is a much occupied space, characterized by its heavy traffic load.
Redesigning the square is difficult to impossible, as the streets lining the square are main
traffic axes between Gersthof and the Wiener Gürtel. Every day at rush hour, cars roll in in
column traffic, making the streets impassable for pedestrians.

Against this background, Elisabeth Falkinger will cover the floor and the walls of the
Kulturdrogerie with different colored stickers in the form of dots, thus creating a persiflage
of the popular parlor game Twister. Two large rotating discs randomly determine on which
color the visitor should move. This creates an unusual movement sequence.

The exhibition is intended to provide an incentive to experience our environment anew
through playful interventions and to make rigid urban planning our own. Our environment
is an everyday experience and thus to be read as a realization of sociality. The term
„environment“ refers to a system of spatial structures, social structures and objects that
cannot be fully manipulated and that surround and relate to subjects. People’s environments
are social and not visible per se, but the interconnections and interactions are.

For the vernissage there will be a musical flash mob directly around and at the traffic
junction Aumannplatz. For this Elisabeth Falkinger has invited the
Musikarbeiterinnenkapelle to march in a circle from crosswalk to crosswalk (no traffic
obstruction!) around the traffic junction and thus to irritate the traffic for a short time.
Afterwards, the musicians* find themselves on the traffic island and play a concert for their environment.

Konzert für die Umwelt
Konzert für die Umwelt
Flashmob Aumannplatz
Flashmob, Aumannplatz
flashmob Aumannplatz
Flashmob, Aumannplatz
KNOTEN Ausstellung
Installation, Raumordnung neu Denken
